
Conducting More-Effective Meetings, designed and presented by Tim Kraft, provides strategies and tips for getting the most out of your meetings.

Learn to identify when meetings should take place and when there might be a better option.

Discover three essentials of effective meetings and how long meetings should last. Ensure your meetings are productive by planning, leading, and following-up on action items.

Sample templates are provided to aid in creating future agendas.

Conducting More-Effective Meetings is approved for 1 CEC hour through IICRC and RIA.


Developing Your Sales Plan, created by Tom Cline, provides a detailed process for developing, implementing, managing, and tracking your company’s sales objectives and activities.

Learn how to draw from your company’s business plan to establish sales plan objectives.

Use proven strategies and tools to create an achievable plan with clear expectations and increase your book of business using a focused approach.

Developing Your Sales Plan is approved for 2 CEC hours through IICRC and RIA.


Employee Engagement for Today's Manager, created by Dr. Phillip Kim, describes the impressive list of benefits you will realize by getting your employees deeply engaged in their work.

Apply the knowledge, tips, and tools provided in this course to create and build engagement.

The payoff will be greater job satisfaction for employees and greater success for your business.

Employee Engagement for Today's Manager is approved for 1 CEC hour through IICRC and RIA.


Resolving Conflict, designed and presented by Tim Kraft, provides proven tactics for resolving even the most difficult workplace conflicts.

By understanding the difference between conflict that is beneficial and that which is harmful you will know when to resolve conflict and when it’s okay to ignore it.

Differentiate between behavior- and issue-based conflict and which to resolve first when a conflict involves both.

Practice by using a matrix of conflict resolution options to improve your abilities.

Resolving Conflict is approved for 1 CEC hour through IICRC and RIA.


The Basics of Business Numbers was developed by Timothy E. Hull, CR to provide a fundamental understanding of financial reporting and data to help you to increase your business’ overall profitability and improve decision making.

While numbers, ratios, and reports may seem overwhelming, this course simplifies the material even for those lacking accounting experience.

Interpret your business’ basic financial reports as they relate to operational performance, and use financial KPIs to measure effectiveness.

The Basics of Business Numbers is approved for 2 CEC hours through IICRC and RIA.


The Basics of Business Strategy, developed by Tom Cline, provides the resources and tools needed to help your company identify its competitive advantage, which is a critical component of long-term success.

Learn the importance of how a documented, effective business strategy fits in with your annual business plan.

Use the Growth Matrix and Outside-In Model provided to identify appropriate growth strategies for your business and deliver in-demand services to your customers.

The Basics of Business Strategy is approved for 2 CEC hours through IICRC and RIA.


The Fundamentals of Key Performance Indicators, developed by Timothy E. Hull, CR, details what KPIs are, how to use them to make informed decisions in your company, and how they can improve business effectiveness and profits.

Differentiate between different categories and types of KPIs and how each can and should be applied in your business.

Discover the difference between trends and correlations when evaluating results to measure true business performance.

The Fundamentals of KPIs is approved for 1 CEC hour through IICRC and RIA.


The Fundamentals of Management was developed by Scott Tackett to provide a comprehensive study into management functions, key roles and activities, and strategies for coaching and developing top talent.

Learn the innovative and creative competencies needed to effectively manage in today’s environment.

Identify the personal and professional challenges involved in becoming a successful manager.

The Fundamentals of Management is approved for 3 CEC hours through IICRC and RIA.


Time Management for Managers, developed by Scott Tackett, provides training and resources to reinforce the notion that time management is not about managing time, it’s about managing behavior.

Organize and prioritize your daily activities to accomplish more without having to add extra hours to your work day.

Learn how to overcome distractions, embrace delegation, and use four simple time-management tactics to increase productivity.

Time Management for Managers is approved for 1 CEC hour through IICRC and RIA.